About me

Hello, I'm Donna, a qualified Integrative Counsellor registered with the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). My journey to becoming a counsellor has been rich and varied, shaping my understanding of the human experience, and therefore the counselling approach I take.

My Path to Counselling

A natural communicator, I have always worked in roles where the relationships I’ve built have been at the heart of successful outcomes. I've worked in the UK in marketing, PR, CSR, account, and project management roles for large and medium sized corporations, as well as Charities and NGOs in the UK and overseas. I have also worked in the state and private education sector as a teacher for 8 years prior to qualifying as a counsellor.

Like most people, I have experienced the challenges in life that bring feelings of sadness, loss, and pain. My own transformational experience of counselling and psychotherapy not only helped me through these times but provided me with the resilience to be able to cope with painful experiences that came up later too. I always knew that one day, I wanted to be able to share this healing experience with others. To this end, I completed an MSc in Psychology, and a placement with the NHS as an honorary Assistant Psychologist, before completing a Diploma in Counselling. I worked for a counselling agency in Basingstoke for 18 months whilst training and now practise privately from therapy rooms in Reading.

BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) logo, highlighting professional membership in Integrative Counselling.
Another professional headshot of Donna Bartlett, counsellor at Niah Counselling, showcasing her role in integrative counselling both in Reading and online.

You can also find me on BACP

An image of corn ears, symbolizing growth and renewal, associated with integrative counselling services in Reading and online.

My Approach

I work compassionately to help you explore patterns that you may be repeating, which may no longer serve you. By bringing the unconscious influences on our everyday thoughts and behaviours, to conscious awareness, we gain power over them. Looking at your experience through a trauma lens, I work with you to understand what it may be that you are repressing, because when we repress something, we tend to repeat the behaviour associated with it.

Sometimes life experiences are so overwhelming that we think the safest thing to do is to push them away, burying them into our unconscious (a completely normal response and our brain’s way of keeping us safe), however, these experiences then continue to have a profound influence on our thoughts and behaviours in the here and now, which may not be adaptive. By working at your pace, we gently explore these experiences, and bring them to the surface, we can then work together to repair the disconnect they may have caused.

Get in touch

Taking the first step towards counseling can feel daunting, but it’s also a courageous move towards positive change. I appreciate you reaching out and look forward to the possibility of working with you.

If you have any questions about my services, availability, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here to make your journey into counseling as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Niah Counselling logo, with a focus on 'Integrative Counselling in Reading and Online.


How do I know if I need counselling?

There's no strict rule for when to seek counselling, but some signs it might be helpful include: feeling overwhelmed by your emotions or life circumstances; struggling with relationships or communication; experiencing significant changes or transitions in life; dealing with trauma or loss; finding it hard to cope with daily tasks or responsibilities; noticing patterns of behaviour you'd like to change; or feeling stuck or unsure about your direction in life. If you're questioning whether counselling might help, it's often worth exploring. Many people find benefit in having a safe space to discuss their thoughts and feelings, even if they're not in crisis.

What can I expect in my first session?

Your first session is about us getting to know each other. We'll discuss what brings you to counselling, your goals, and how we might work together. It's also your opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

How long does counselling typically last?

The duration varies for each individual. Some find benefit in short-term therapy (6-12 sessions), while others prefer longer-term (open-ended) support. We'll regularly review your progress and adjust as needed.

Is what I say in counselling confidential?

Yes, our sessions are confidential. The only exceptions are if there's a risk of harm to yourself or others, or if required by law. I'll always discuss these limits with you in your first session, and you can ask me about this at any time.

How often will we meet?

Most clients attend weekly sessions, but we can adjust the frequency based on your needs and circumstances.

What if I need to cancel a session?

I ask for 48 hours' notice for cancellations.

How do I know if counselling is working?

Progress in therapy can look different for everyone. We'll regularly check in on how you're feeling. Often, clients notice gradual changes in their thoughts, feelings, or behaviours, or improved relationships with others.

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